RCCC Community Events

Through the year our congregation will gather for special community fellowship events like our Memorial Day Picnic, Thanksgiving Potluck, and New Member Welcome gatherings.

Please contact Katelin Bartley (katelin.bartley@gmail.com) with any questions about upcoming events.

Past Community Events

Monday, May 27th. Memorial Day Picnic.

Friday, January 19. Dinner at CAVA followed by Pictionary at RCCC

Friday, January 19. Dinner at CAVA followed by Pictionary at RCCC

Tuesday, October 31st in conjunction with the Children’s Ministry Fall Festival

Friday, September 15. Dinner at CAVA followed by Pictionary at RCCC

Friday, August 18. Dinner at CAVA followed by Pictionary at RCCC

Saturday, July 29 at 4:30pm. Bridge Fellowship Kickoff (on zoom).

Friday, June 23. Dinner at CAVA followed by Pictionary at RCCC

Monday, May 29 at 3:00pm. Join us for our Annual Memorial Day Picnic at RCCC.

Friday, April 21 at 6:30 pm. Join us for Dinner at Piada followed by a Jeopardy night at RCCC.

Friday, March 17 at 6:30 pm. Join us for Dinner at Jimmy Johns followed by a Jeopardy night at RCCC.

Friday, February 17 at 6:30 pm. Join us for Dinner at Chipotle in Park West Village.

Sunday, January 22 Farewell Potluck for Pastor Chang at 5:00 PM in the 5-Flex.

Sunday, December 11 Christmas Cantata 10:00 a.m. Fellowship time following program.

Sunday, November 20 New Building Dedication. Lunch after service at 12:30 p.m. , followed by the building dedication at 1:30 p.m.

Monday, October 31 Fall Festival. Food, games, prizes and fun for the whole family in the old building.

Friday, September 16 Sports, Board Games & Build-your-own sundaes in the old building.

Friday, August 5 Game Night in the Library

Friday, June 24 at 7:00PM at Sanderson High School (5500 Dixon Dr., Raleigh). The Raleigh Community Orchestra Concert will be playing a musical “A Salute to Freedom”. Our very own Pastor Rob is part of the orchestra, celebrating America’s birthday.

Details and to purchase tickets, go here: https://raleigh-community-orchestra.ticketleap.com/freedom/dates/Jun-24-2022_at_0700PM

Friday, June 3 Screening of Sabina Tortured for Christ 7:00-10:00PM in the sanctuary, with refreshments to follow

RCCC Community Events