
RCCC Children’s Ministry’s goal is to bring children of all ages to Christ.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Children’s program reopens (after pandemic pause) for kindergarten to 5th grade

  • Sunday School (in person) :  9:30 a.m. —  10:45 a.m.
  • Sunday Worship (in person): 11:15a.m. –-  12:30p.m.
  • Sunday online Children’s worship: 11:00-11:45am
  • Friday Night Awana program : 7:30pm — 9:30pm
  • 2024-2025AwanaProgramDescription

RCCC VBS 2025 – Magnified!

Please Contact: children@raleighccc.onmicrosoft.com

Past Photos

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RCCC Children’s Ministry is to promote the education of knowing, growing and showing the new life of following Jesus Christ.  Knowing Jesus is coming to the knowledge of salvation and experiencing a personal relationship with God.  Growing is learning to understand the whole picture of God’s plan in the Bible. Showing is the result of walking in obedience to His Word and the Holy Spirit as a witness to all to see.
Come and join us, we have dynamic programs for children ages new born  to grade 5 during our Sunday morning and Friday night.  We want to see the next generation of children raised up to be everything God has for them. We want to partner with parents, and help make a great impact on the children in our church family and community.
1) Sunday School :  Session I 9:30 a.m. —  11:00a.m.
Session II  11:15a.m. –12:30p.m.

  • Nursery (3 years and under)
  • Preschool Worship & Sunday School (3 to 4 years old)
  • Children Worship & Sunday School (K to 2nd  grade)
  • Junior Worship & Sunday School (3rd to 5th grade)

2) Awana Ministry: Friday Night 7:30pm — 9:30pm        Age 3 to 5th grade
3) VBS : Five Days Program during the Summer              Age 3 to 6th grade
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Please Contact: children@raleighccc.onmicrosoft.com

洛麗華人基督教會 的兒童事工旨在教導孩童們認識耶穌基督 、在基督裡成長,並彰顯跟隨耶穌的新生命。認識耶穌就是來認識救恩,同時與神建立個人的關係。成長是學習明白聖經中神所訂計畫的全貌。彰顯則是為基督做見證,讓人看見我們順服祂的話和聖靈的結果。
1) 兒童主日學: 每星期日九時半到十二時半

  • 嬰兒班
  • 學齡前兒童崇拜, 主日學 (學齡前兒童)
  • 兒童崇拜, 主日學 (幼兒班至二年級班)
  • 初級兒童崇拜, 主日學(三年級至五年級班)

2) Awana Ministry: 每星期五晚上七時半至九時半 – 適合於學齡前兒童至五年級學生
3) VBS 暑期聖經學校: 一週五天的暑期活動 – 適合於學齡前兒童至五年級學生
“耶 穌 說 、 讓 小 孩 子 到 我 這 裡 來 、 不 要 禁 止 他 們 . 因 為 在 天 國 的 、 正 是 這 樣 的 人 。”                                                                                                       馬太福音19章14節
聯絡人: children@raleighccc.onmicrosoft.com
