

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons June 30th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 建立神的家(五) 竭力保守教會合一 June 23rd, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 約翰福音信心之旅系列 (四) 恩典的秘訣 June 16th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 父親的訓誨 June 9th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 脱舊換新 – 心志的翻轉 June 2nd, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 建立神的家(六) 各按承職後此建造

2014 Parenting Conference

2014 Parenting Conference Raising Christ-Centered Children and Young Adults Speaker: Pastor Kevin Brown Sunday School: “Developing Obedience, Manners and Respect in Children” Video 2014ParentingConferenceSession1 Sunday Worship: “Supplying That Which is Lacking” Video 2014ParentingConferenceSession2 Lesson: “Doing Hard Things – Will You Do Them For Your Children?” Video Q&A “Integrating ‘Church’ and ‘Home’ Christian Education – How […]
