

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Service July 28th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 「保羅對以弗所教會 最後的勸勉」Ephesians 20:25-32 July 21st, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 「脫舊換新」系列(四) 行為的翻轉 Ephesians 4:25-32 July 14th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee「脫舊換新」系列(三) 情绪的翻轉 Ephesians 4:25-32 July 7th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 「脫舊換新」系列(二) 言語的翻轉  Ephesians 4:25-32 English Service July 28th, 2019: Rob Stansberry “The Barrier of Conflict: Moving on Together” Philemon July 21st, […]


English Sermons Cantonese Sermons June 30th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 建立神的家(五) 竭力保守教會合一 June 23rd, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 約翰福音信心之旅系列 (四) 恩典的秘訣 June 16th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 父親的訓誨 June 9th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 脱舊換新 – 心志的翻轉 June 2nd, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 建立神的家(六) 各按承職後此建造


Cantonese Sermons Chinese Service May 5th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee “建立神的家(三): 作福音奧秘的僕役” Ephesians 3:1-13 May 12th, 2019:  Pastor Job Lee  “The Nurturing of Mothers” May 19th, 2019: Brother James Ma “在基督裡被饒恕,饒恕,合一”  Matthew 18:23-35 May 26th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee “一同明白基督的愛” Ephesians 3:14-21 English Service May 5th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee God’s Unconceivable Election Ephesians 1:4-6 May 12th, 2019: Pastor […]


English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Service March 3rd, 2019: Pastor Job Lee, “The Greatness of God’s Power in Christ” Ephesians 1:19-23 March 10th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee, “蓬勃生命的特徵(三): 從前在世上的我” Ephesians 2:1-3 March 10th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee, “蓬勃生命的特徵(四)今天在主裡的我” Ephesians 2:4-10 March 24th, 2019: 鍾德民弟兄, “約翰福音信心之旅系列 (3):你是誰? ” John 1:19-34 March 31st, 2019:  馮秉誠牧師, “認識基督” Philippians 3:7-8 English […]


English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services February 24th, 2019: Elder Huang “行公義, 好憐憫” February 17th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee “蓬勃生命的特徵 (一) 充充足足的認識” February 10th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee “祝福的頌讚 (四) 神所賜的基業” February 3rd, 2019: Pastor Job Lee “祝福的頌讚 (四) 神救贖的恩典”   English Services February 3rd, 2019: Pastor Jerry Miller (recording missing)    


English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services January 6th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee “The Identities in Christ”, Eph. 1:1-2 January 13th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee “祝福的頌讚(一) 神所賜給聖徒的福氣”, Eph. 1:3 January 20th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee “祝福的頌讚(二)  神奇妙的揀選”, Eph. 1:4-6 January 27th, 2019: Pastor Alan Liang “為福音的緣故棄權”, I Corinthians 9:1-5, 12, 6-20, 23 English Service January 6th, […]


English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services December 2nd, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong 《約翰福音信心之旅系列(2): 恩典之光》 John 1:6-18 December 16th, 2018: Pastor Tsai, “Whom His Favor Rest”, Luke 2:14 December 23rd, 2018: Brother RongMin Ma:《放下自己- 成長事奉的第一步》Philippians 2:3-8 December 30th, 2018: 周德威傳道 《祂何時再來?》 John 14:3 English Services December 2nd, 2018: Pastor Gary Lee “7 Churches: Laodicea – Revelation […]
