Author : Helen Zhang

2016 September Sermons

Chinese Services September 4th: Pastor Calvin Tran, Acts 13:1-12 September 11th: Pastor Eric Lin, Acts 14:8-22 September 18th: Pastor Calvin Tran, Acts 15:12-21 September 25th: Pastor Eric Lin, Psalms 117: 1-2 English Services September 4th: Dr. Alan Potter, “Two Responses That Constitute an Ideal Portrait of a Churches Behavior September 11th: Dr. Allan Potter, “We […]

2016 June Sermons

Chinese Services June 5th: Pastor Alan Liang June 12th, Pastor Eric Lin June 19th: Pastor Calvin Tran June 26th: Brother Andrew Liao English Services June 5th: Dr. Alan Potter, “A Summary of I Peter [Exhortations of Testifying’s Peter for Times like These”, I Peter June 12th: Dr. Alan Potter, “Peter Celebrates God’s Act of Saving Sinners”, I […]

M547 From Loving To Caring

2016-03-06 recording-download 2016-03-20 recording-download PDF 文檔 Power of Empathy (Dr. Brené Brown 2:53 version) Power of Empathy (Dr. Helen Riess 17:02 version) 2016-03-27 recording-download PDF 文檔 What are the Differences between Women and Men? 2016-04-03 recording-download PDF 文檔 2016-04-10 recording-download PDF 文檔 Addiction (5:41 min) Case Study 1 Everything You Think You Know About Addiction […]

2016 March Sermons

Chinese Services March 6th: Pastor Alan Liang March 13th Combined Service: Pastor Calvin Tran “Who are we and can it be?” 1 Chronicles 29: 10-19 March 20th: Pastor Eric Lin March 27th: Pastor Eric Lin English Services March 6th: Dr. Scott Hildreth, “God’s Rescue through the Burning Bush”, Exodus 3 March 20th: Pastor Calvin Tran, […]


2015年圣经一年阅读计划(上半年)聖經阅读资料和分享錄音 第53週:(12/28 – 01/02) 啟示錄第七至二十二章 第53週錄音下載 第52週:(12/21 – 12/26) 彼前,彼後,約壹貳參,猶大書,啟示錄 第52週錄音下載 第51週:(12/14 – 12/19) 腓利門書,希伯來書,雅各書 第51週錄音下載 第50週:(12/07 – 12/12) 歌羅西,帖前後,提前後,提多書 第50週錄音下載 第49週:(11/30 – 12/05) 林後四至十三章,加拉太書,以弗所書,腓立比書第一至四章 聖經分享錄音 第49週錄音下載 第48週:(11/23 – 11/28) 林前一至十六章,林後一至三章 聖經分享錄音 第48週錄音下載 第47週:(11/16 – 11/21) 使徒行傳廿二至廿八章,羅馬書一至十六章 聖經分享錄音 第47週錄音下載 第46週:(11/9 – 11/14) 使徒行傳一至二十一章 聖經分享錄音 第46週錄音下載 第45週:(11/2 – 11/7) 約翰福音一至二十一章 聖經分享錄音 第45週錄音下載 第44週:(10/26 – 10/31) 路加福音七至廿四章 […]

2015 December Sermons

Chinese Services December 6th: Pastor Alan Liang December 13th: Combined worship with Cantonese and English congregations. See below for Dec 13 recording. December 20th: Pastor Eric Lin, John 20:19-21, 14:27; Colossians 3:12-15 December 24th: Christmas Candlelight Service December 27th: Pastor Eric Lin, II Kings 5:1-27 English Services December 6th: Dr. Jim Shaddix, “The Fabric of […]

2015 Mission Conference

The theme for 2015 Mission Conference is “FACING CHALLENGES WITH ONE MIND AND ONE ACCORD”, held on Oct 2-4 at RCCC. The speaker for the English sessions was Dr. David Cashin, Professor in Intercultural Studies at Columbia International University. Powers of Darkness in Unreached Places Download (Workshop) : Contextualizing the Gospel – Acts 17 Download […]

2015 October Sermons

Chinese Services October 4th: Pastor 徐忠昌 October 11th: Pastor Eric Lin October 18th: Pastor Alan Liang, Ezekiel 33:1-2,5-8; Habakkuk 2:1-4; 1 Corinthians 9:16-17; Romans 1:14-15 October 25th: Pastor Eric Lin, Haggai 1:3-6; Zechariah 4:6-10 English Services October 4th: Dr. David Cashin, “A Biblical Theology of Suffering, Philippians 1:27-30 October 11th: October 18th: Pastor Calvin Tran, “Should […]

2015 August Sermons

Chinese Services August 2nd: Pastor Liang August 16th: Brother Andrew Liau, Palsm 23:1-6 August 23rd: Pastor Feng, John 14:1-14 Q&A August 30th: Pastor Eric Lin, John 14:16-28 English Services August 2nd: Elder Don “One Church, Many Gifts” Ephesians 4:1-16 August 9th: Pastor Calvin Tran, “Drinking at the Fountain of Power”, Acts 1:1-11 Wait for the Holy […]
