2018年10月7曰: 李燕光牧師 [露出聖臂]
2018年10月14曰: 鐘德民弟兄 [心的方向]
2018年10月21曰: 馬永民弟兄 [屬靈争戰中學習成長]
2018年10月28曰: 柏有成教授 [用感覺來思考的時代]
October 7th, 2018: Pastor Gary Lee, “Treasuring the True Treasure!”, Series: Blueprints for the Church – 1 Timothy 6:17–19 (Part 33)
October 14th, 2018: Pastor Gary Lee
October 21st, 2018: Elder Shyi Tai, “A Life No Longer the Same”, Titus 3:1-8
October 28th, 2018: Pastor Gary Lee, “7 Churches: Remember Your First Love”, Revelation 2:1-7
(recording missed)