2017 July Sermons


2017年7月2曰: 陳家榮牧師

2017年7月9曰: 林春騰牧師

July 16th, 2017: Pastor Alan Liang

2017年7月23曰: 林春騰牧師

2017年7月30曰: 詹其泰長老

English Services

July 2nd 2017: Elder Don Hong, “The Saga Continues”, Hebrews 11:6

July 9th, 2017: Pastor Gary Lee, “Live by Faith”, Ruth 1:15-2:4
Sermon Audio Missing
July 16th, 2017: Pastor Gary Lee, “Conviction and the Protestant Reformation”, Romans 1:16-17; 4:5; Ephesians 2:8-9

July 23rd, 2017: Dr. Sammy Joo, “All In”, Luke 9:23

July 30th, 2017: Pastor Jerry Miller, “The 6th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Murder”, Matthew 5:21-24

Cantonese Services

2017年7月2曰: 華粤語堂聯合崇拜. 請查看 "華語證道"
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2017 July Sermons