Children Ministry Updates 08/21/2020

Children Ministry will resume from September. The purpose is to draw your children to the Lord Jesus Christ, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. The Children Ministry Committee: Co-directors: Minister Raymond Ting and Minister Huang (Harry) Chen; Sunday Worship/School – Kaili Sawyer; Friday Program; Mike Liu; Special Programs: Mo-Yuen Chow. If you have any questions or want to volunteer, please email to or contact them individually.


  1. Sunday worship: (1) K-Grade 2; (2) Grades 3-5; 11:00 am -11:40 am, starting from September 6, delivered by Zoom.
  2. Friday program: (1) K-Grade 2; (2) Grades 3-5; 7:00 pm -7:30 pm, starting from Sept 4, on Zoom.

Both programs will adopt Lifeway digital materials for kids. The Lifeway program includes children hymns, bible stories and videos. Teachers will also lead some discussions.

Registration: Please click here

兒童事工將於 9 月重新開始。目的是將孩童們帶到主耶穌基督面前——特別是在疫情期間。兒童事工委員會由:丁少文傳道和陳煌輝傳道帶領; 兒童主日學/崇拜 – 由王凱利負責; 星期五兒童事工 – 由劉寅巖負責; 特別節目 – 周武元負責。如果您有任何疑問或願意幫忙,請發送電子郵至 或與他們個別聯繫。

  1. 主日崇拜:(1)K-Grade 2 ; (2)3-5 年級; 從9月6日開始, 上午 11:00am -11 : 40am, 在 Zoom 舉行。
  2. 星期五聚會:(1)K-Grade 2 ; (2)3-5 年級; 從9月4日開始, 晚上 7:00pm -7 : 30pm, 在 Zoom 舉行。

這兩個課程都將採用 Lifeway 的數位教材。 Lifeway 課程包括兒童唱詩讚美, 聖經故事和視頻。老師也會帶領一些討論。
註冊: 請點擊

Children Ministry Updates 08/21/2020
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