
2015 August Sermons

Chinese Services August 2nd: Pastor Liang August 16th: Brother Andrew Liau, Palsm 23:1-6 August 23rd: Pastor Feng, John 14:1-14 Q&A August 30th: Pastor Eric Lin, John 14:16-28 English Services August 2nd: Elder Don “One Church, Many Gifts” Ephesians 4:1-16 August 9th: Pastor Calvin Tran, “Drinking at the Fountain of Power”, Acts 1:1-11 Wait for the Holy […]

2015 July Sermons

Chinese Services July 5th: Pastor Eric Lin July 12th: Brother Andrew Liau July 19th: Pastor Eric Lin July 26th: Pastor Eric Lin English Services July 5th: Pastor Calvin Tran: “A Different Statement for Believers” Matthew 11: 25-31 July 12th: Doctor Fred Williams: “The Kingdom of God” Isaiah 11:1-9 July 19th: Dr. William Barber: “Avoiding Cosmic […]

2015 June Sermons

Chinese Services June 7th: Pastor Eric Lin June 14th: Pastor Calvin Tran June 21st: Andrew Liao June 28th: Pastor Eric Lin English Services June 7th: Dr. Ken Keathley: “The Great Reconciliation” Ephesians: 2:11-22 June 14th: Pastor Calvin Tran: “A Life Changing Vision” Exodus 3:1-15 June 21st: Dr. Alan Potter: “God’s Word and The Cleansed Life” […]

2015 May Sermons

Chinese Service May 3rd: Pastor Eric Lin May 10th: Pastor Eric Lin May 17th: Pastor Friest: “It’s Me, Don’t Be Afraid” May 24th: Pastor Alan Liang May 31st: Andrew Liao English Service May 3rd: Dr. Chip McDaniel: “The Oxen and the Stall” Proverbs 14:4 May 10th: Dr. Keathley: “Hannah’s Gift” 1 Sam 1:21-28 May 17th: Pastor […]

2015 April Sermons

Chinese Service April 5th: Pastor Eric Lin April 12th: Pastor Alan Liang April 19th: Pastor Alan Liang April 26th: 周功和牧师:《真人耶穌》希伯來書 2:5-18 English Service April 5th: Pastor Jerry Miller: “Raised to New Life” Mark 16:1-8; Matthew 28:8-9 April 12th: Mr. Barney Ford: “Gaining a Quiet Heart April 19th: Dr. Scott Hildreth: “The Great Love of God” Romans […]

2015 March Sermons

Chinese Service March 8th: Pastor Eric Lin March 15th: Pastor Liang Audio file is not available due to error in recording CD. March 22nd: Elder Jan March 29th: Pastor Lin English Service March 8th: Barney Ford:”The Macedonian Call” March 15th: Dr. Scott Hildreth: “God’s Mission”, Luke 24:44–49 March 22nd: Pat Zukeran: “The Resurrection” March 29th: […]

2015 February Sermons

Chinese Service February 1st: Pastor Eric Lin February 8th: Pastor Alan Liang February 15th: Pastor Eric Lin February 22th: Brother Andrew Liao English Service February 1st: Dr. Charles Harvey: “Come onto the Lord with Reverence” February 8th: Dr. Scott Hildreth:”Why Mission?” Luke 15 February 15th: Dr. Scott Hildreth: “How To Know If You Are A […]

2011 Sunday Mandarin Sermons

日期 證道題目 經文/信息大綱 講員 12.25 耶穌基督第二次的再來 馬太福音 24:30-31 葉永華牧師 12.18 耶穌是誰? (中翻英) 馬太福音1:18-23 林春騰傳道 12.11 會幕的建造-全民全心的奉献 出11:2,3;25:1-5,8,9;31:1-4;40:17,34,38 梁瑞龍牧師 12.04 禮物 可12:41-44;林後8:1-5;箴11:24-25 林春騰傳道 11.27 感恩大合唱 – 紅海邊的歌頌 出14:13,14,19-22, 15:1-4,20,21; 詩103:1-4 梁瑞龍牧師 11.2 幸福家庭之營造 弗5:22-6:4 葉永華牧師 11.13 使他走當行的道 士2:6-15;申6:4-9;  箴22:6 林春騰傳道 11.06 你從事哪一個行業?(英翻中) 太4:1-11 譚保榮牧師 10.29 宣教鐵三角 徒14:24-28;林前16:8-16 陳雷牧師 10.23 神國的擴展與大使命的實踐 太 28:16-20 周德威弟兄 10.16 高瞻遠矚 出3:1-4, […]

2012 Sunday Mandarin Sermons

日期 證道題目 經文/信息大綱 講員 30-Dec 和諧的關係 — 卸下情緒的重擔 馬太福音11:25-30 林春騰傳道 23-Dec 約瑟與馬利亞的信心之旅 希伯來書12:1-2 廖忠信弟兄 16-Dec 聖誕真義-神愛世人(中翻英) 約翰福音3:16-18 葉永華牧師 9-Dec 將心歸家享最愛 瑪拉基書4:5-6; 詩篇90:12 葉高芳牧師 2-Dec 天上的交響樂喚起感恩的心— 宏偉、和諧、感人 詩19:1-6;太16:15-19 梁瑞龍牧師 來12:18,22,23,26-28 25-Nov 感恩的心所帶來的改變 腓1 : 3, 帖前5 : 18 廖忠信弟兄 18-Nov 和諧的關係 – 從消除噪音開始 詩篇133:1-3 林春騰傳道 11-Nov 廣大的心與智慧的舌 詩133:1; 34:12-14; 王上4:20, 21, 29, 34;雅3:2-6. 梁瑞龍牧師 4-Nov 一個有感染力的教會(英翻中) […]

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