
2018 November Sermons

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services November 4th, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang《生命中的美好意外》使徒行傳 16:6-10;撒母耳記下 18:5-7,9,10,14,15,32,33 November 11th, 2018: 李光陵牧師《主阿!我當作什麼?》使徒行傳 22:9-21 November 18th, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong,《約翰福音信心之旅系列(1): 生命之道》John 1:1-5 November 25th, 2018: Brother YongMin Ma,《耶路撒冷會議帶給我們的啟示》使徒行傳 15:1-2 ; 28-29 English Services November 4th, 2018: Pastor Gary Lee, 7 Churches: Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatria Revelation 2:8-29   November 11th, 2018: […]

2018 October Sermons

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services October 7th, 2018: Pastor Li [露出聖臂] October 14th, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong [心的方向] October 21st, 2018: Brother Ma [屬靈争戰中學習成長] October 28th, 2018: Professor Bai [用感覺來思考的時代] English Services October 7th, 2018: Pastor Gary Lee, “Treasuring the True Treasure!”, Series: Blueprints for the Church – 1 Timothy 6:17-19 (Part 33) October […]

2018 September Sermons

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services September 2nd, 2018 Brother Alex Zhong  《但願人長久》Ecclesiastes 12:7-12:8 September 9th, 2018:Pastor 孫曲回 《榮耀主名》 Nehemiah 9:5 下-12 September 16th, 2018:周德威傳道 《他在教會中,並在基督裹,得著榮耀 》 Ephesians3:21 September 23rd, 2018:Hong Kong Operation Dawn 陳幔利姊妹,黎健成弟兄 Testimony王錦麟牧師 Sermon:《逆轉人生》Luke 19:1-10 September 3oth, 2018:Elder Shyi-Tai Jan 《不再一樣的生命》 Titus3:1-8 English Services September 2nd, 2018 Pastor Gary Lee “The Gospel is […]

2018 August Sermons

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services August 5th, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang《保羅超越的生命》 August 12th, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong《聰明糊塗心》 August 19th, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang 《保羅直奔標竿的人生 – 爭戰,守道,當跑》 August 26th, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong 《勇敢一點,不怕付出》 传道书 11:1-6 English Services August 5th, 2018: Elder Don, “A Song of Ascents, His Watching, Our Trusting”, Psalm 121 August 12th, […]

2018 July Sermons

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services July 1st, 2018:  Pastor Alan Liang  《保羅生命中的轉機》 July 8th, 2018:  蔡孟彣牧師《父親的祝福》瑪拉基書 4:1-6 July 15th, 2018:  黃力夫長老《永恒的答問》 John 3 : 1-15 July 22nd, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang  《保罗的两难之间》 July 29th, 2018:  Brother Alex Zhong  《返璞歸真》(傳道書系列之十一) English Services July 1st, 2018: Paul Bucknell 《The Goal and Glory of Chris an Discipleship》Philippians […]

2018 June Sermons

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services June 3rd, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang [人生所追尋的真善美] June 10th, 2018: Pastor Li (recording missing) June 17th, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong [浪子的心情] June 24th, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong [一場遊戲一場夢] English Services June 3rd, 2018: Pastor Gary Lee, “The Duties of Gospel-Centered Shepherding Introduction”, Series:  Blueprints for the Church – 1 Timothy 4:6-9 […]

2018 May Sermons

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services May 6th, 2018: Elder Huang (黃力夫 )《Come Sitting At Jesus Feet》 May 13th, 2018:  Brother Alex Zhong  《又是梨花開放時》 May 20th, 2018:  Pastor Alan Liang  《團隊中的分工合作- 同行的藝術》 May 27th, 2018:  Brother Alex Zhong 《我的未來不是夢》傳道書 8:1-17 English Services May 13th, 2018:   Pastor Gary Lee  《The Missional Mom》

2018 April Sermons

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services April 1st, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang (partial recording) April 8th, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong April 15th, 2018: Elder Wu April 22nd, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong April 29th, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang English Services April 1st, 2018: Pastor Gary Lee, “Buried & Raised”, Colossians 2:12 April 8th, 2018: Pastor Gary […]

2018 March Sermons

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services March 4th, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang March 11th, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong March 18th, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang March 25th, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong English Services March 4th, 2018: Pastor Gary Lee, “Desperately Praying for the Lost”,  Series: Blueprints for the Church – 1 Timothy 2:2:3-8 (Part 7) March […]

2018 February Sermons

English Sermons Cantonese Sermons Chinese Services February 4th, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang February 11th, 2018:  Brother Alex Zhong February 18th, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang February 25th, 2018: Brother Alex Zhong English Services February 4th, 2018: Pastor Gary Lee, “Fighting the Good Fight of Faith”, part 5 of Series: Blueprints for the Church – 1 Timothy […]

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