
2023 Family Retreat

1. 人生啟示錄 詩篇39篇 2. 持守聖靈的純一 以弗所書4.1-6 3. 展現恩賜多樣 以弗所書4.7-10 4. 今生最崇高的祈禱 詩篇17篇 5. 建立基督身體的豐滿 以弗所書4.11-13 6. 連結於元首的大愛 以弗所書4.14-16 TBD Submit a registration form and check to reserve your spot at the retreat. We look forward to a time of refreshing and fellowship with you in the mountains! Registration Form: ClickToDownload Event Schedule (General): Chinese Version/English Version […]

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