2017 May Sermons

Chinese Services

May 7th, 2017: Pastor Alan Liang

May 14th, 2017: 3 Congregation Combined Children Worship. See “English Service”
May 21st, 2017: Elder Jan

May 28th, 2017: Pastor Calvin Tran

English Services

May 7th, 2017: Pastor Jerry Miller, “An Unstoppable Community of Faith”, Acts 2:41-42

May 14th, 2017: Combined Service, Pastor Calvin Tran, “A Blessed Mother”, 1 Samuel 1:21-28

May 21st, 2017: Pastor Calvin Tran, “The 5th Commandment: ‘Honor Your Father and Mother'”, Exodus 20:12
Recording missing
May 28th, 2017: Pastor Gary Lee, “The Church Scattered”, Acts 2:42-47

Cantonese Services

May 7th, 2017: Pastor Calvin Tran “Blessed is The One” Psalms 1
Recording missing due to technical difficulty
May 14th, 2017: 3 Congregation Combined Children Worship. See “English Service”

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2017 May Sermons
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