Chinese Service
July 28th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 「保羅對以弗所教會 最後的勸勉」Ephesians 20:25-32
July 21st, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 「脫舊換新」系列(四) 行為的翻轉 Ephesians 4:25-32
July 14th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee「脫舊換新」系列(三) 情绪的翻轉 Ephesians 4:25-32
July 7th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 「脫舊換新」系列(二) 言語的翻轉 Ephesians 4:25-32
English Service
July 28th, 2019: Rob Stansberry “The Barrier of Conflict: Moving on Together” Philemon
July 21st, 2019: Rob Stansberry “The Barrier of Business: People are the point” Philemon 1:1-25
July 14th, 2019: Rob Stansberry “The Barrier of Rights: Gospel Implications” Philemon 1: 4-9
July 7th, 2019: Rob Stansberry “The Barrier of Business: People are the point” Philemon 1: 1-25