2月 2, 2020

Can You Hear Me Now?

Passage: 1 Samuel 3 and John 10:1-5, 27

Bible Text: 1 Samuel 3 and John 10:1-5, 27 | Preacher: Pastor Jerry | Can You Hear Me Now?
1 Samuel 3; John 10:1-5, 27
The Point: The Lord will speak to and use those who have an attentive ear and obedient heart.
I. What the World Needs – ” A Word from the Lord!”
II. God’s Call is Personal
III. God will Use Those who will Listen and Obey
Improving Your Spiritual Listening Skills
–Be __________ by Remaining Faithful
–Be __________ to Hear from the Lord and Obey
–Be __________ to be Used by the Lord
–Be __________ to Listen to the Right Voice
IV. True Believers Recognize God’s Voice and Follow Him
V. Bring Hope, Help, and Healing to our Broken World

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9:30-10:45 am: Equipping (Sunday School)

10:45-11:15 am: Half-Time (Transition)

11:15-12:30 pm: Church Gathering (Sunday Service)