
Raleigh Chinese Christian Church > Messages

What Did Jesus Do (WDJD) for the Gospel 1 Peter 2:21-25 Introduction: Christian suffering and the Gospel Jesus suffered ______ Jesus suffered ______ Jesus suffered ______ Jesus suffered ______ WDJD…

Father’s Instructions

June 16, 2019
“Father’s Instructions” 1 Thess. 2:9-12 留下可供懷念的記憶(帖前 2:9a) Leave recollections that are memorable (1 Thess. 2:9a) 2. 辛苦勞碌與晝夜做工(帖前 2:9b) Labor and toil night and day (1 Thess. 2:9b) 3. 聖潔公義的屬靈品格(帖前 2:10)…

The Ultimate Truth

June 9, 2019
1. The Truth is not from the                , but from                 . 2. The Truth brought us       …

We need Jesus

June 2, 2019
1. Jesus is the source of our strength (1-8) 2. Jesus empowers us by way of love (9-16) 3. Love is means and the goal(17)

Love Does

May 26, 2019
God made us to be like Him, He made us to be with Him . . . so love like Him. 1. The New/Old Commandment: Love (34a) 2. What Love…
The Plan of God’s Election What does Election mean? We were chosen before the Foundation of the world (Eph. 1:5) We were chosen in Christ (Eph. 1:5)   Election or…

Sinners Need Saints

April 28, 2019
1. The Letter of the Law brings religious men to criticize God (7:53 -8:6) 2. The Perspective of Hypocrisy leaves religious men with shame and often regret (8:7-9) 3. The…

Jesus is Better

April 14, 2019
Introduction Jesus is better in Understanding Jesus is better in Purpose Jesus is better in Discipleship Jesus is better in Restoration

The Qualities of Success

March 31, 2019
Themes: Christ-likeness, this world is not our home, God is in control, God is working all things together for good. Outline: 1. Who they are 2. How they live 3. What…