
Raleigh Chinese Christian Church > Messages

Can You Hear Me Now?

February 2, 2020
Can You Hear Me Now? 1 Samuel 3; John 10:1-5, 27 The Point: The Lord will speak to and use those who have an attentive ear and obedient heart. I.…

The Spirit-dependent Life

January 12, 2020
The Spirit-dependent Life (Isaiah 11:2) And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. (Isaiah 11:2)
How to know God’s will for your life James 4:13-15 This is God’s World Life isn’t a Mystery A Simple Reality

Don’t waste your life

December 29, 2019
Don’t waste your life Ecclesiastes 12:11-14 1. The Glorious Truth 2. The Everlasting Way 3. The  Unwasted Life
The Mysteries of Christmas 1 John 4 (NIV)
Romans Chapter 4 (read 1-5, 15-18) Abraham was saved the same way as me 1. Abraham: the type and the test case 2. Abraham bore fruit from faith Main Truth:…
My Chains are Broken - I'm Free! Acts 16:16-40 Theme: Our Lord Jesus sets us free to live a life of true hope, joy, and peace. I. By Having the…
GOD’S MISSIONARY METHODS (from the Book of Acts) Introduction: 1. God uses the C_______ and TEAM E_________ (Acts 1-10) 2. God uses CONFLICTS (Acts 6) 3. God uses P_____________ and H_____________ (Acts 7-8) 4.…
How Can I know If I Am A Productive Follower of Jesus? John 15:1–17 Introduction 1. Bearing __________  (1-8, 16)   2. Praying _________________________ (7, 16) 3. Obeying ___________________ (10, 14)          4.…
Be Encouraged in God's Mission 2 Corinthians Chap 4. How can we carry on in missions?  I. Looking to God's __________ as the ______________ of our ministry.  II. Looking to…