
Raleigh Chinese Christian Church > Messages

Our Living Hope

April 12, 2020
Our Living Hope (John 20:1-18) Life Point: Because of our Lord Jesus' Resurrection, we have hope. He is our Living Hope! 重點:因為主耶穌的復活,所以我們有盼望。祂是我們活潑 的盼望! 1. Believe the Truth that Jesus is…

Turning Fear to Faith

April 5, 2020
Turning Fear to Faith Luke 19:29-44 Our LORD was Faithful His people were Fearful Turning our Fear to Faith

People aren’t pawns

March 29, 2020
Title:People aren't pawns Main Theme: It is more blessed to give than receive 1. 1-7 Worldly favoritism rejects God's way 2. 8-11 Don't pervert the point 3. Love people so…
Title: So, are you telling the truth, or not? Main Theme: Belief is knowledge that always results in action 19-21 Our reactions are telling 22-25 You do what you believe…

Two sides of suffering

March 15, 2020
Two sides of suffering- James 1:2-18 Main Theme: It's not what happens that is as important as what you do with it 1. 2-12 There is purpose in suffering 2.…
Make Your Mark for Eternity Acts 20:24 Life Point: Once we decide to follow Jesus, we are marked for life - for eternity - by His Love and His Spirit.…
Passage: James 1:1 Title: Hope against Hope Main Theme - God is able and often unexpected 1. Living in the household of God 2. James: From Death to Life 3.…
Why do bad things happen to good people? Genesis 50:15-21 The so-called problem A clear example The right perspective An Unwasted Life
Are we supposed to seek happiness? Philippians 4:4-7 The command is clear What if I don’t feel like rejoicing? Remember the truth The result is sure
How do we relate to a Tri-Personal God? John 14:15-21 The Father The Son The Spirit The relationship