
Raleigh Chinese Christian Church > Messages

SERIES: LIVING WISDOM Text: James 5:13-20 Title: The Ministry of Wisdom Main point: Ministry represents God and only the wise do it well Outline: 1. The LORD is the source…
SERIES: LIVING WISDOM Text: James 5:13-20 Title: Servant Leaders Main point: The Church belongs to Christ - His way is our way. Outline: 1. What are elders? 2. Why do…
SERIES: LIVING WISDOM Text: James 5:7-12 Title: The Attitudes of One with an Eternal Perspective Main point: The attitudes of patience and endurance can only exist in our lives when…
Your Money talks . . . what does it say?  (James 5:1-6) Introduction 1. The “rich” is indicted for hoarding (5:2, 3) 2. The “rich” is indicted for Fraud (5:4)…

May 24, 2020
Three Essentials to Good Planning James 4:13-17 1.) Recognize Our Bad Planning (4:13) 2.) Understand Our Brief Lives (4:14) 3.) Seek Our Life’s Purposes (4:15-17)
SERIES: LIVING WISDOM Title: Are you with me, or are you with me? Main point: When we live for ourselves, we are at odds with everything around us Outline: 1.…

The Gift of Mothers

May 10, 2020
Title: The Gift of Mothers Scripture: Genesis 2:18-25 Main point: Women are an important part of God’s very good world Outline: 1. Women are an important part of God’s very…
Wisdom soothes the savage beast Main Theme - Wisdom is the guardian of faith to tame the tongue and protect the intentions of the heart 1. Wisdom brings life and…
Words are strong, but the tongue is weak Main Theme - A careful speaker is fount of help, but a careless one burns down forests 1. The toungue: our big…
Title: Faith the root, works the fruit Main Theme - Faith without works comes from believing in the wrong thing 1. Words can be empty (14-17) 2. Show me your…