SERIES: LIVING WISDOM Text: James 5:13-20 Title: The Ministry of Wisdom Main point: Ministry represents God and only the wise do it well Outline: 1. The LORD is the source…
SERIES: LIVING WISDOM Text: James 5:13-20 Title: Servant Leaders Main point: The Church belongs to Christ - His way is our way. Outline: 1. What are elders? 2. Why do…

The Gift of Mothers

May 10, 2020
Title: The Gift of Mothers Scripture: Genesis 2:18-25 Main point: Women are an important part of God’s very good world Outline: 1. Women are an important part of God’s very…

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Gathering Time

9:30-10:45 am: Equipping (Sunday School)

10:45-11:15 am: Half-Time (Transition)

11:15-12:30 pm: Church Gathering (Sunday Service)