靈修伴侣: 六月中至九月中
對象: 粤語同工
如有問题,請联絡 Raymond.


  • promote the practice of daily devotion
  • enhance the relationship with God
  • strengthen the spiritual sharing among congregation

Program details:

  1. Participants will conduct spiritual devotion daily for fifteen minutes or more.
  2. They will also try to experience God and be sensitive about the work of the Holy Spirit. They will prepare to share their spiritual experience with a partner every week.
  3. Two to three brothers or sisters will form a group Encourage same gender partners or groups.
  4. The program will begin from June 18 with the core group and Sunday School teachers first.
  5. Each group will meet once per week at a place and time ( or talk over the phone) they choose.
  6. The meeting should be about one hour, a focus on spiritual sharing of the past week.
  7. Program meeting: Periodical meetings will be held for program participants to share their learning, testimonies, praises, and struggles. The first program meeting will be July 17. The program is informal, served with cakes, dim-sums and tea. After this, the program may meet bimonthly.

Program Materials:

品格重塑 – 40天品格自修課讓你活得喜樂自由
網絡天糧 http://ccfellow.org/Common/Reader/Channel/ShowPage.jsp?Cid=332&Pid=1&Version=0&page=0
Our Daily Bread  http://odb.org/
靈命日糧  https://traditional-odb.org/
Bible Study Fellowship